
हराउदै गएको मानवता

पेरिस हमलाको डरलाग्दो जबाफ दिँदै फ्रान्सले आईएस आतंकवादीको सैन्य तालिम केन्द्रमै डरलाग्दो बमबारी गरेको छ । फ्रान्सको तर्फबाट यो हमला आर्इएसको अखडा रहेको सिरियाको रक्का शहरमा गरिएको हो ।  रक्का आईएस आतंकवादीको कब्जामा रहेको छ । यूएई र जोर्डनबाट उडान भर्ने फ्रान्सका १० युद्धक विमानले आइतबार केही घन्टामै २० शक्तिशाली बम हानेका हुन् ।

फ्रान्सको यो कारबाही आर्इएसबाट पेरिसमा भएको हमलाको प्रतिक्रिया मानिएको छ । आईएस आत‌ंकवादीले पेरिसमा गरेको हमलामा १२० जनाको ज्यान गएको थियो ।  त्यो हमलामा ३५० जना गम्भीर घाइते भएका थिए । आर्इएसको आक्रमणपछि फ्रान्स सरकारले आर्इएसविरुद्धको उसको कारबाहीलार्इ अझ कडा बनाउने जनाइसकेको छ ।

( Paris, France Is a terrorist attack on a military training center of giving critical to respond has been terrible bombing. France, on behalf of the attack in the Syrian arena ariesako been raqqah city. Raqqah IS terrorist is captured. UAE and Jordan, 10 combat aircraft flights to France on Sunday are still relatively few hours, 20 powerful bombs.

France is considered the action response ariesabata attacks in Paris. IS 120 terrorists have been killed in Paris was the patrol. The patrol had 350 people were seriously injured. Ariesako attack the French government has already agreed to make more restrictive ariesaviruddhako his karabahilari.)

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